sucide help line

Ten thousand guns
set to stun!
Run son, run!
No one gets out of life alive.
Witty words all bottled up.
Beauty is your freind, it follows on your face.
Why can't you find your soul?
I want that gift of gab.
Visions I never wanted from the Lord.
O lucky boy!
You never had a friend
You never held love that wanted you.
See me my Lord.
Follow the sound of falling tears.
Strength has let me down.
Tear a new hole.
These old ones look old on my soul.
No one cares, No one cares.
I am so ashamed.
I have given my life away.
Look at all your the boyish freinds.
They smile at me with crooked teeth.
and they laugh at me with the past that I never made.
Will she ever know, will she ever know!
She said she would see it through.
She left when you started to cry.
They all leave.
Ugly boy! You trusted to soon
Ugly boy! You gave to much!
Ugly boy! No one will love you!
Call me beautiful and I will marry you!
Say there is no other and I will marry you.
Words are never given.
Fill up!
O cusses in your mouth.
She does'nt care!
I phoned a helpline.
Did'nt help at all,
I cryed. I cryed
To a lady that did not care.
At least she is there.
You are to busy to tend my wounds.
Not to busy to bust my head.
I see red... I see red.
Jesus showed me martyers Blood last night.
I drowned in it all.
That and the skulls of sinners deaths.
Yes I am called.
Yes I am called.
Leave you Miss, to learn to love.
I hate that I have to wear gloves.
Take off your gloves my dear.
Open that heart and leave all that fear.
Learn how to cry and do not deny these words that I give.
Anger is fear,
Oh your stubbern soul.
You lost me today.
Goodbye to love once again.
Dead at 22,
dead at 22!
i am worthy because Jesus says i am.