Thursday, March 11, 2010


Peace brings hope
It's perspective is full of prosperity
In peace acceptance is found
In this acceptance is a doorway to love

Stepping through the doorway
I am awaken by the vibrant light
As I breath an indescribable crispness fills my lungs
I never knew what breathing was until this moment
Every breath is smooth
Each breath is a pleasure, it is hope realized

My legs feel different
My joints appear to be moving the same
Something is different
The Pain is gone

I never knew I had pain
But clearly I did!
I rotate my shoulders
I twist my ankle
Girate my hips
I jump up and down
Everything is different
The Pain is truly washed away

Suddenly my vision begins to fade
I am suddenly blinded
By the Vibrant white light
That now is indescribable
Piercing but necessary
In no time my vision is repaired
It is better than ever
Opening my eyes
I remember where I am
I peer upward and my eyes meet his
Their are no words
I weep uncontrollably

My question are answered
by the perfect sight of the Savior
Truly nothing in heaven
or on earth compare to the Saviour