Sunday, May 13, 2012

Arts and/or Crafts

Pause these impeding memories.

Your ski mask is all wrong!
Misshaped to the slender curves of your face.
Must you wear magenta eyeliner with your turquoise jeans?

My dear you stand out like a tigers spots.
Be who you be when your ready for me.

Paintings fall off the wall.
Your sack is empty expect for your tricks so violent and steady.

A museum so full of art, tragic and dull,
Translucent and mundane.
Yet beautiful and plain.

Calendars that count the days of the heart beat of the human spirit.

Tick tock
If I had a rock I’d smash your weary exterior.

Don’t tell me you don’t care!

I saw you standing there.
Dazed and glazed from your subsistence abused, raincoat, caring case.

Your coat carries more than your baggage.

Condense your thoughts into emotions and emotions into sounds.

The police sirens will never drowned out who you really are.
A woman that never sleeps, and dreams of more than she can ever be.

If I could have one wish, it would be that I would be the tiny fetter, in the seams of thread that drink of your face, as your ski mask tugs at your skin.

You museum art thief!, I love the shady side of your life, I love to drive your car that gets away once in awhile.

I do all this, to be by  your side as you smile at the clanging of the paintings, that hide in your bag of hopeless canvas.

Your hair cut short to cover your hazel eyes. The cyanide pill you keep under your dash, for a taste of the wild side.
The fear that you would be caught unprepared, as your tights tightly fold under your leaden exterior.

I am ready for the speed of your life, as we flee the scene with ready-made Picasso ’s underneath ours arms.

Why do you push away with such disgust, as I nuzzle up to you as you shiver from the rain that soaks your bones and causes your eyes liner to run upon your cheeks?

Do you not see that you were meant for me? Your dragon scales and wolfs bane teeth do not scare me.

My skin is tougher then a tin can full of mystery.

Remember me as the one who commits felonies at your side.  Free Warhol’s “Marilyn Monroe” and “Starry Night” by Van Gogh.  Free me from “The Persistence of Memory” your mind is like Salvador Dali’s.

You are my Leda, my Saint Anne, my Mona Lisa with a mischievous smile. We have run through marble hallways, laid with tile, now lets walk a mile down the streets of love.

We never had to use a gun, only sticky fingers, in sticky gloves.

Do you keep me around for the amusement of my laugh?, or the sound of my whisper through painted glass? Or do you truly enjoy the company of a man who holds “your paintings” on his lap?

When the sound of the gun, takes me down, will you shed a tear as you run?
Into the night, will you look back in fear, in regret, in sadness at my demise?

I can’t keep on, as your arms move along the widow sills of my aching heart!

Can anything be real in this make believe world of cat and mouse, of scream and shout, of broken dreams and of easels that bleed!

My dear, crawl into my veins, paint a picture on my brain. Of your ways of your refrain, of your face, feed my soul, make me whole again!

Drop me on my head, because these are my last words and then, like your eyes upon my thighs, I AM DEAD.

(well not in the literal sense, but in the spiritual and emotional sense which of course is much more serious and profound)

Momentum 1 (1969)

in this place we need no eyes for the sound is here.
in this place we need no eyes for the beauty goes right through you.

i beg for those changes to change right back to where I felt this way in the first place.

in this place the rain can't fall because its no place at all.

oh meaning, desperate meaning of bealiving.

faith is here in the sound that goes between your eyes and mine.

do you hear what I hear?

black cons first on my feet.
Jump to see you, jump to meet. 

smile that smile of waiting bliss and wait for me my miss.

rain hard on the feet of the  "lovers sand",
drownd in the joy of past moments.

Tears Of The Sand

Do not blot out my voice...


Let my open mouth release a scream....


Do not let the deserts quench my breath.

The tears of the sand fill my lungs...


Let me speak! Let me yell! Let my cry!

For glory has a sound.
The bell of victory has a name.
The spotless sentence, the endless Word.
The truth unfolds.
The veins of Life.
The rivers of Living Rain...


Cry for me when my tears have dried,
Scream at me when my ears are shut,
Shake me, when I lose my guts.
Fast for me when I stuff my self with death,
Pray for me when my feet grow soft.

Dream with me when I return to the Sender.


Forgive me when I fall
Straighten me 6'3, make me tall.

Thank you for the blood.
Thank you for the infinite divine placed in my mind.

Ruin my plans that strip me of dignity.


Send me!
Make me!
Shape me!

Take me back to the lonely that I cannot see!

Inspirred by this moving video -