Thursday, April 07, 2011


Don't forget that your heart is still beating. Snap out
of the haze! You are a walking miracle! It is not a random
coincidence that you breath the next breath. No, today is
your day. The Lord of Heaven and Earth crafted you
intrinsically and beautifully;
setting you in time. He gave you a smile
unlike any other. He molded
a passion in your soul that will never be duplicated.

Take Comfort, close your eyes and
drift away but only
for a moment. Awake
grab on to your destiny.
Run toward the fear, I dare you!
The faster you run the more mesmerizing

the ride becomes. It is okay. The cliff
in the distance is safe. There is a safety netting
prepared to brace your fall. Just get up and
accept the freedom. The day is yours
you are loved just as you are.