He laughed out loud. People looked at him.
"what the heck is his problem?"
The truth is he does not have a problem. Its everybody else who has the problem.
You see they are all blind.
Every single one.
Can't see anything at all.
There bumping into walls and each other.
Cussing, swearing, hitting each other.
They are not aware they are blind, they all think that they can see.
They think the man that laughs is blind.
The man that laughs truly sees.
He knows death and he knows life.
He sees both clearly.
He sees these blind skeletons walking around bumping into each other.
You see he walks in the light, he lives a true real life as best as anyone could.
He has no fancy clothes, no big paying job, no big house. He has very little material goods at all in fact.
But he sees.
He thinks of people, he does whats best for everyone not just himself.
He does'nt use people.
Sure he makes mistakes but he consistenly does right.
He does'nt have sex, drink or smoke.
"Well he must be blind then"
Why? Is it because he never justifyed, never let his gaurd down?
He never told anyone they were less then him for doing things.
He would never hurt anyone in fact.
He just does'nt
In fact he has desided to never do anything like that ever.
He is not interested in the things most people are.
He likes to read, he likes to talk, but mostly he likes to laugh.
Not at peoples expence but just because he loves life.
He loves it....because he loves people and he loves God and he loves himself.
And he sees. He has less scars then I and he is happier then me.
People say he is naive, stupid, simple, boreing.
But nay he is true, real, honest, trust worthy and the most interesting fellow you will ever meet.
He tells no lies, he gives to everyone and is happy with little.
He has helped me, he has helped many.
If only we all could just laugh once and while like he laughs.
With no fear, condemnation, or selfishness
I am sure our eyes would open just a little bit and we would not run into the walls we do.